Public Benefit Flying Day

Let's tell the world why we fly.

Public Benefit Flying Day:

What's Happening?

We are raising awareness for public benefit flying. Join us!

Simply put, Public Benefit Flying is flying to help others.

Every day, volunteer pilots do just that.

Using their own aircraft, and donating their time, hard-earned skills, and all flight expenses, they assist the health and well being of others.

Volunteer pilots serve the needs of humanity by:

  • Providing access to distant medical care for patients in need
  • Relocating endangered animals to better homes or better habitats
  • Flying to support conservation initiatives
  • Offering unique flight experiences to children

  • Responding to natural disasters
  • Flying to support our veterans
  • And much more!

  • Friday, July 29th is Public Benefit Flying Day. Browse the tabs below for ways YOU can participate!



    Going to Oshkosh??

    • Wear your ACA Volunteer Pilot T-Shirt (or your group’s shirt) at AirVenture on July 29th.
    • Pilots wearing PBF shirts receive preferred seating at Theater in the Woods!
    • Strike a pose! Attend the Volunteer Pilot Group Photo July 29, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. Meet in the Vintage HQ area. Wear your shirt!!
    • Spread the word. Tell ONE pilot why you fly and encourage them to register with a Volunteer Pilot Organization.

      Use the hashtags: #WhyIFly, #PublicBenefitFlying, #VolunteerPilots, #AirCareAlliance

      Tag ACA, EAA and your VPO!


  • Publish at least one post on July 29, 2022 that describes why Public Benefit Flying is important.

  • Send a press release to local media outlets.

  • Host a Facebook Live stream - Highlight a board member, donor, volunteer pilot, or a person impacted by your mission and live stream your conversation.
  • Consider hosting an informal pilot meet-up, a tweet chat, or webinar on the day of the campaign.

  • Have staff and volunteers update their Facebook & Twitter profile pictures with a PBF frame and show their support on social media. Click here.

    Use these hashtags and add your own - #WhyIFly, PublicBenefitFlying, #VolunteerPilots, #AirCareAlliance


  • Make a donation to your local volunteer pilot organization in honor of your favorite Volunteer Pilot.

  • Share your favorite Volunteer Pilot Organization’s Facebook page or website with your social networks.
  • Update your Facebook & Twitter profile pictures with a PBF frame and show your support on social media. It's easy! Click here.

  • Thank a volunteer pilot! - Send them an email, mail them a note, post on their timeline. Let the volunteer pilot in your life know how much they are appreciated!

  • Because of Volunteer Pilots

    Free Flights to Medical Care

    A child with cancer...

    receives the life-saving treatment he so desperately needs.


    Conservationists and researchers...

    gain a new perspective to plan and address threats to vital community resources.


    Supplies to fight a global pandemic...

    are transported swiftly to those who need them most.


    A community devastated by a hurricane...

    receives food, medication, and supplies to rebuild.

    flight from FL to CA!

    An animal set to be euthanized...

    finds his forever home 500 miles away.


    A first flight for a young girl...

    changes the trajectory of her life forever.

    Last Year's Impact


    Flights Flown


    Animals Rescued


    Miles Flown


    Conservation Partners Served


    Active Volunteer Pilots


    Passengers Served